Monday, July 24, 2006

I'm going to work on the photo situation in a short while, but for now I'll give a brief rundown on what I've been up to over the last little while. I scrubbed in on some surgeries last week, the most interesting of which was a woman who had a broken elbow, where the piece had then been dislocated such that her arm was unable to bend or to properly pronate and suppinate. We worked on her on Friday afternoon and she was looking pretty good this morning when they changed her dressings. Actually, probably the most interesting thing that I did last week was to sit in on consultations on Monday morning. We had 38 patients come in over the course of 3 was great! Unfortunately, that afternoon I decided that I hadn't been properly sick yet while in Cambodia (everyone else I've been traveling with has been sick at least once) so I got sick, and well! I had to go home with nausea, diarrhea a fever and general achiness. The next day I was feeling better, except for the diarrhea, so I went to a clinic, where I (embarassingly) ran into our chief surgeon (who woulda thought it possible?!) and got Cipro, which was a godsend. I was better within hours. Then I caught a cold. But that's almost gone now, and life is pretty good.

On Saturday I decided to walk over to the Independence Monument from our apartment but was being hassled by anyone with any mode of transportation to use them! to go anywhere! Lady!! My patience for these guys has been dropping exponentially. I'm not a tourist!! So I placed myself in the middle of a throng of monks and lost the moto drivers. The monks and I started chatting and it turned out that they were headed towards a Wat right by the photo shop I was headed for, so they walked me to my destination. Then they invited me into their apartments, where we had tea and a nice chat, before one of them took me on a tour of the Wat ;) A very random morning, but very nice nonetheless. I think there are a couple of pics below on the blog from this Wat.

Then I drove around with a friend taking photos of the city. I now know my limit is about 2 hours sitting side-saddle on a moto. We both got off at this point and stood stretching...bunch of old farts that we are! :)

Yesterday Geni and I decided that it was long overdo that we run the Hash, a run that is held once a week outside of the city. Supposedely this is a worldwide phenomenom, but it was the first I had heard of it. This week's hash ended up being relatively close to the hospital, but it was still good fun. We ran through Wats, people's yards, piles of sand, markets, fields and along roads and the river. There is a trail marked out and you have to find the right way...sometimes there are false trails. Oh, and at the end there is unlimited beer made available. Geni and I got good and drunk (think 30+ degrees, dehydrated and needing to drink at least 4-5 beers to get your money's worth, as the run costs 5$) Plus we were virgins to the run, so we had to be brought into the centre of the circle, introduce ourselves and then chug beer. And they found all kinds of other excuses to get us to chug by sunset we were sloshed. We left the group at this point and went to a favourite, quiet restaurant to end our evening (drinking mango-passionfruit shakes....drooooool.)


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