A garden in the temple I was visiting.

This is a picture taken from the alley that leads to our apartment. If you turn right where the blue garbage pail is you'll be on the main floor of our building.

Cyclo drivers. These guys have it pretty rough. Generally they leave their families, who live in the provinces, and come into the city to try and make a living pedaling people around. They live and sleep in their cyclo when they aren't using it during the day. Some will try and make it back to see their family over the weekend, but they can't always afford it. They don't always make enough to even eat every day. There are NGOs set up in the city who specifically cater to this population.

A more modern looking shopping mall right near the central market in Phnom Penh. Tony wants to go here sometime to try their pizza.

This is a peace monument that I pass by every day as it is relatively close to the hospital. For the longest time I didn't understand why it was a peace monument if it was a gun. It took me about a month to notice the knot in the barrel of the gun and then it all made a bit more sense ;)

What they ended up doing was have as many guns as possible be brought together and melted to actually make the monument. These are photos depicting the making of the monument, which is in the centre of a roundabout.

Squish the guns!

Yesterday a friend of mine picked me up on his moto and drove me around the city so that I could get pictures of Phnom Penh. This was taken from the Olympic Stadium, where children were flying kites in the wind. The area was being well used with many soccer and volleyball games going on, as well as people running around the track.

A little further out of the city I noticed the trees had funny nest-like things hanging in them, and I wondered about them. Turns out these trees are Dragon Eye trees (a type of fruit) and the "nests" that I was noticing were actually there to protect the fruit from various animals and bats.

My obliging friend stopped and let me get a better picture. You can see some of the fruit that is uncovered in the tree as well.
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