World Cup fever!! One week ago! I have never watched so much football (aka soccer) in my life, and by that I mean I watched maybe 3 whole games over the last month! Whoo! I find it quite boring compared to hockey and will let anyone who is watching but willing to listen to me, know. But I actually enjoyed this game! It was pretty exciting, though I really wish France had won.

This was when France scored their first goal against Italy.

Um, right. So the game started at 1 am our time. What happened was I went to a wedding celebration for dinner, ate lots of food and had a lovely time, then crawled into bed around 9:30. The alarm went at 11:45 and I crawled downstairs to Geni's room where she dutifully poured me a beer and woke me up. Then we headed off to the bar down the street to watch the entire game. This is to prove that we were indeed up to watch the game at the actual time it was being broadcast in Phnom Penh. I know the picture is blurry, but you can read it! Oh, and I made it to work for 8 am the next morning...and then left at lunch to go get some sleep!!! :)

I know it's a bit blurry, but I don't have a tripod (yet) and it was taken without a flash. Still pretty, if I do say so myself.

Xray of a dislocated arm in a 4 year old boy. He had fallen out of bed 8 months ago. It was decided to let him be for now, as fixing the dislocation might cause more damage than good, as it might compromise the growth of his bones. He had a slight reduction in range of motion but no real pain.
Cutie pie with a dislocated arm. I was told that it is most likely that he actually fractured the ulna bone and dislocated the head of the radial bone (I think) but we couldn't really see the fracture on the xray. He giggled so hard when he saw these pics.

He could actually hold out his arm for me and it would look like this, but as soon as I broke out the camera he just couldn't hold his arm the same way for me!

Some of the school children I visited with on Thursday afternoon. One of the girls and I had a nice chat. It went something like this:
Meghan: What is your name? (in broken Khmer)
Girl: My name is X. What is your name? (in good English)
Meghan: My name is Meghan.
Girl: Are you married? (with much giggling from the surrounding girls)
And then they followed me around to the next two classrooms. I got 85 children on Thursday afternoon...props to me!

Geni after a long surgery on a cleft lip on Friday afternoon, that didn't go as well as planned. Everyone was exhausted by the end of it. People have gotten used to me on Fridays. I go around the hospital and yell "It's Friday" to anyone who will listen to me... ;)
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