From inside the hotel on top of the mountain of Bokor National Park. They said in the guide book that you couldn't help but shiver when you entered this building. I scoffed. Then I found this corner and I had to peek inside and then I got a chill, a shiver and I ran. ;)

From on top of the French hotel. This place would of had a killer view.

It was really windy. I'm surprised the guy who took this didn't catch me grabbing at my hat. Beautiful waters behind me...scuba diving? Maybe next weekend...

The church. The red comes from a moss that can be found growing on many of these buildings. Supposedely it's even more vivid after it has rained for a month or so. Funny, the French built about a dozen buildings on top of this mountain. Two of which are the church seen above...and a casino.

Khmer boy petting a blind monkey. I pet it too! It's fur was so thick.

And what trip would be complete without a blown tire?

In true Meghan-style, we got a blown tire about 5 km down the 35 km road down the hill. Here you see us trying to get the tire down from where it was secured under the truck. That took about 45 min, and 2 phone calls to the hospital fix-it guy. But between the 6 of us (+ phone guy) we got the tire down and then attached to the truck well enough to drive us the next 4.5 hours to Phnom Penh. So now I know how to change a tire :)

One of these monks did the whole Joey "How you doin'? wink wink" thing to me. It was hilarious cause he was a monk!

And this is to prove to anyone who might doubt me that a dog I was staying with ate mangoes. I went mango picking in the front yard (ok, I climbed a tree and shook a branch but the damn fruit wouldn't fall, so then I climbed down and chucked my flipflop at the tree until they fell). Then I had to fight Tippy the dog for my share. In the end she got the cores.
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