Friday, May 26, 2006

Heather, Celeste, Jane and moi!

One more exam down! This one involved us going from room to room and either interviewing standardized patients (aka actors) regarding their various ailments (you see doc, I've had this diarrhea for the last month...) or doing different physical maneuvers, while a doctor sat in the corner, watched us, grilled us and graded us. After finishing up, I had another reunion, but this time it was grade school, grade 7 and 8 to be precise. This involved a yummy vegetarian buffet, a tour of Celeste's amazing apartment, and free clothing (for me!) I love it when I have friends who get sick of their clothing :)

So then Jane, Celeste and I continued down to Queen St W where we did a bit of window shopping. Then Jane took off to go meet up with her brother and Celeste and I slowly made our way home. We stumbled across this shopping cart which caught our attention. Random.
So now it's back to one last weekend of studying before doing the last minute packing, the moving, the partying and the flying. Can't wait!

Monday, May 22, 2006

So even though I had to study a lot this weekend, it turned out to be a total blast because all my Ottawa girls (minus a couple of key members) ended up in town, including the elusive Jane Maxwell, who flew in last minute from Vancouver! We ended up spending lovely evenings eating well, drinking too much wine and getting caught up. It was fabulous and we got D-runk (Thompson better be reading this!) Check out the salad rolls prepared by Jenn.

Oh, and Corrie, my roommate was really bored while we were studying for DOCH, and found peeling the floor to be much more amusing and a better use of her time. The things we'll do to procrastinate...

Friday, May 12, 2006

It's that time of the year we have all been dreading. Brains, exams, packing (x2) and gorgeous weather. We're literally counting down the minutes now. Highlights of the week have included listening to Roberta Bondar lecture our class on eye movements in space and doing the eye exam on ourselves, which involved dilating peoples pupils and making them look funny. Roberta was pretty amazing, a great speaker and funny. My eye is still dilated (big) and so my vision is a bit off right now. But I got to see inside other people's eyes, and that was cool, so no complaints. You can actually see the nerve head at the back of the eye with all the blood vessels coursing around. The picture above is of me looking at the front (cornea, iris and pupil) of Joanna's eye.

Look closely at the eye on the left compared to that on the right.

So in the next two and a half weeks I have to:
-study for three exams
-write three exams
-pack up my apartment
-move into my new apartment
-set up the new apartment for the subletters
-pack for 10 weeks in Cambodia
-design a survey for my research project in Cambodia (background reading would ideally be completed before this was written, it ain't going to happen)
-throw a kick-ass party

Last, but certainly not least, it's time for those of us who knew Timmy (aka TimBit) to say goodbye. My poor diabetic cat took a turn for the worse and had to be put down earlier this week. For those of you who truly knew him, you will be happy to know he went out purring. Poor cat never knew who to trust.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Going to be heading out to Phnom Penh in just about three weeks and need to learn the ways of this site before leaving. Wish me luck in my endeavour! :)