Our Incredible Minds
I've found myself reflecting on dementia lately. This is likely at least in part due to the fact that about half my patients suffer to some degree from this sad, incurable disease. And I suppose in the back of my mind I worry about what it might be like to have *my* family member suffering with a similar illness. Note to self: must get them doing those crossword puzzles!
But often my demented patients make me smile, or even laugh out loud. Because dementia removes all filters and these people are who they are. And more often than not they remind me of children and they very often need the care and attention of a child.
I was evaluating a woman for admission to hospital and she was cold. I often hold a person's hand while I examine them so that we have that personal touch while I'm somewhat intrusive. Well this woman was cold and she could feel the heat from my sweatshirt and before I could stop her she had stuffed one frigid hand up my shirtsleeve and was trying to get the other one up that same sleeve. I burst out laughing, as this was something I used to do as a child with my parents. She had these piercing blue eyes in a wrinkly old face and she happily looked up at me with warming hands.
And another patient who had been so rude with me on admission to hospital. He had all the answers and he'd be damned if "some woman" was going to try and convince him otherwise. Never mind that "some woman" was his freakin' doctor. A few days later I saw him and he was just about ready to go home and now he was scared about the upcoming change. He wiped away tears with a shaky hand. After we had conversed he shouted after me as I walked away "I love you dear!"
When a different patient walks into my office looking for the escaped cat from the movie set, I don't blink an eye. I get up and drape my arm through hers and move back out into the hallway. I had heard a rumour that this pesky cat had been irritating the nurses and we set out on the hunt to capture the cat until the patient is properly redirected and in safe hands.
And all I can think is, our incredible minds.